Sunday, June 13, 2010

The First Pitch

Today we went to O'Brien Field to the Chief's game because Alex won a radio contest. He was the "104.9 the Wolf's First Pitch Kid." Alex won four tickets to the game and got to throw a first pitch of the game. Little did we know there were several kids throwing a first pitch.

So we got to the stadium and Alex picked up his tickets and met the radio personality. It was "Family Fun Fest" and there were bounce-arounds all over. We had some time so the kids got to play for a while. Alex even got a baseball card made with his picture! Then into the stadium we went only to find out that they were delaying the game because some rain showers were supposed to be coming through.

I thought this would be a great time to dance in the rain with the kids. I got in trouble. "It could get slippery or there could be lightening. You need to get up here now." Well that caused an hour long meltdown from Lucas. My poor baby just wanted to be in the rain. I didn't understand why it was okay for the people to be sitting in seats with umbrellas, but we couldn't be standing on the concrete. But such is life.

The hour passed and we were finally escorted down to the field. Alex was supposed to be the last "first pitch." He warmed up and then they lined everyone up. I tried to find a good spot to get pictures from so that I wouldn't just get the kid running off of the field. Well, aparently one of the other kids' names was Alex as well, and when they called the first Alex, our Alex ran up and threw his ball. I threw on the camera as quickly as I could and only got the ball rolling across the field and Alex running off the field. Since he had all ready thrown, they didn't call our Alex's name. He did get a ball to take home, though (which was the cause of a lot of strife), and he was thrilled.

Daddy tried to demonstrate score keeping, but we were lucky to see a play. After an hour and a half of being there prior to throwing the ball, we were grateful to make it to the fourth inning (thanks to mommy's bag of tricks including play-doh, crayons, and a white board). I think the boys will sleep well tonight!

Here is a video clip of Alex throwing his "first pitch." Warning: don't watch if you get motion sickness. If you look carefully, you can see the ball roll across the field in the begining. Enjoy!

There is another video clip of Alex warming up to throw his first pitch posted on facebook - for some reason it wouldn't load here. I'll add more pictures of both kids tomorrow. Thanks for looking!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lest I forget...

The little things...

Tonight while sitting at the table waiting for dinner, Lucas pipes up with (out of the blue), "Sorry about that." Clear as day. We know it must have been repeated from somewhere because it had an adult type inflection, and it was just hysterical.

Lucas loves playing cars - on my body. He loves running them up and down my legs, arms, and head and then spinning them in front of his eyes. Making "wooo wee woo" noises. When we ask him where his car is driving, the answer is always, "fying up."

This week we took out Doug's old guitar with two strings and have let the boys play with it. Lucas has been taking it around the house, "playing" and singing the songs from his music therapy. It is so adorable to watch. Last night he surprised us by singing the entire "abc song" by himself while "playing" the guitar.

Lucas also loves to sing along to Celtic Women in the car and somehow knows nearly all of the words to the songs even though we haven't listened to the cd for a few months. He gets the biggest grin on his face and when he finishes, he says, "good singing, Mommy."

Alex yesterday suddenly decided he wanted me to wear lipstick. He asked me all sorts of questions about it and if I had any, what colors I had, etc. Today when we went to Kohls to exchange something, he saw the beauty counters and insisted I try on some lipstick. The color I chose wasn't good enough (it was subtle), so he picked out a bright pink. I put it on and he liked it, but wanted me to put on more because it wasn't bright enough. LOL I explained that that was all I would put on and he let it go at that.

Alex loves to pretend that he is the main character in whatever movie we watched most recently. He assigns parts to each person in the family and the cats. We have to address each person accordingly. It is pretty funny. This weeks' favorites are The Incredibles in which Alex is Dash, Lucas is Jack-Jack, I am Mrs. Incredible, Doug is Mr. Incredible, and Misty is Violet; and The Chronicles of Narnia in which Alex is Aslan, I am Susan, Doug is Peter, Lucas is Edmond, and Misty is Lucy. It seems that this week Simchah has gotten out of having a part. :) Super Mario Brothers is always a favorite and persists alongside all movies.

Right now Alex is saying he is Dash from Incredibles. Lucas said, "I Wobin (Robin)" and then decided "I Baman (Batman)."

Another phrase that Alex uses that I find amusing - he says, "You gotta be kittin me," meaning "you've got to be kidding me."

I know it's the little things that are so easy to forget over time, so here's a few to remember.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sweet sleeping

Lucas for a long time has been deathly afraid of his room. Terrified, in fact. A few weeks ago, I tried to get him to come with me into his room to play puzzles, to play with toys, to read a book, he ran crying and screaming, taking nearly 30 minutes to fully calm down.

I find this interesting because once upon a time Alex was also afraid of that room. What is it about the room?

So lately, Lucas has been falling asleep on the couch with either Doug or myself, leaning against us. Once he is really asleep we can transfer him into his room and into his crib and if he doesn't wake up he will stay there all night.

The last few nights, however, when Doug has been putting Alex down to sleep, Lucas has wandered in to Alex's room, saying, "I seep Aggie." The first night they slept together all night. It was so sweet. Last night I heard giggles and talking for about 10 minutes and then silence.

It is so sweet that they want to be together and that they find comfort in eachother. I don't expect this to last forever, but am greatful while it does.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A birthday party at the park

We had a VERY small birthday party for the kids at the park between their birthdays. I made some gluten free chocolate cupcakes and we decorated them as an activity at the party. The kids loved it. Everyone loved the cupcakes. They really tasted good, as good if not better than "normal" cupcakes. The kids got to do bubbles and play with chalk, we brought some beach balls and a soccer ball, and they played on the playground. It was low key and perfect. Elijah, Alex, and Lucas had a ball.

Here are some pictures from the party.

Mommy-Alex time

Every Wednesday and Friday while Lucas is at developmental therapy group (aka "school"), Alex and I get special Mommy-Alex time. Usually (as long as it isn't raining), we spend at least half of the time at a playground and the other half grocery shopping if we need to. Here are some (okay, tons of) pictures from the first day I took Alex to a playgroud just the two of us since Lucas has been born. We had a great time!

Babywearing: the next generation

A little over a week ago was international babywearing week. It just so happened that the same week, I was showing a friend how easy it was to use my mei tai. After doing that, I had it in my car again. When Lucas fell asleep before Alex's well child visit to the doctor a week and a half ago, I had it with me and was able to put Lucas in the "Thomas shirt" and wear him in while checking in, and until he woke up and was ready to run. It was neat how many sweet looks people gave. When Lucas woke up, the first thing he said was, "I yike dis pakpak, Mommy" (translation: I like this backpack, Mommy!). It was cute. Later that evening, Alex wanted me to wear him, and then Lucas wanted to wear his baby doll. Then Alex wanted to wear Pink Monkey Jumpey. Here are some pictures. It was just too cute. Please forgive the mess... we cleaned the next day!

Sukkot at Sunday School

Today was Sukkot at Sunday School. It started off kind of rough - we were out of one of Alex's medications and he was pretty hyper. I thought the pharmacy opened at 9, but it turned out they open at 10. So we weren't able to get it before Sunday School.

We got to Sunday School and Alex was so excited. He was talking to everyone in sight about going apple picking yesterday. We did the morning Shira (singing songs as a whole group), and at the end each shira, we sing Hatikvah, and one or two kids go and get the Israeli flag. Since we were all ready in the social hall and facing the correct way, no one had to get the flag. Barb, one of the other religious school teachers suggested that someone could go stretch it out so we could see it better. David Raso, an older student went over to do so and invited Alex to come help. I was so touched, and Alex was so excited. He stood so nicely and was so proud of himself. I was so proud of him, too. Tears were pouring down my face, I know my grandpa was watching us as we sang. It was just so amazing to see. Alex is so cared for there, and everyone adores him. I really feel this is where he will grow and learn so much with so many older kids willing to take him under their wing and show him what to do and how to act. It is amazing to see and really warms my heart. Alex loves to be there and that means so much to me.

After the short amount of class we had, at 11 we all went back upstairs and outside to the Sukkah. Alex piped up and tried to answer every question that was asked whether he knew the answer or not, but the kids around him helped to quiet him when apropriate. When it was time to shake the lulav and etrog, he got to be the first because he was the youngest. I wish I had taken my camera out, but I hadn't thought to do so yet, and missed getting a picture of it. I'm very dissapointed that I missed it. I know being upset doesn't change things, but I know it's not something I can get back.

We sang some Sukkot songs just outside the sukkah and then it was time for Israeli dancing with Lior, the Slicha and then a picnic lunch in the sukkah. We brought a gluten free sandwich for Alex, but he was too excited by all of the fun and friends to sit and eat more than a bite or two. I took some pictures and videos which I've included below. Alex had such a great time, it was wonderful to see. Just such a great day, and such a great weekend.

Oh, and by the way, he loved the pumpkin muffins I made. I made as second batch and individually wrapped and froze them so I could have treats when there was something going on at school. Now I can just pull one out and pop it in his backpack as needed on short notice!

Here are the pictures and movies from today!

Nathan, Alex, and Sammy - the three boys in Alex's Sunday School class.

Clapping to the music.

Dancing with Sophie and David.

More Israeli dancing. He loved this!

Oooh, yummy, a pickle!

On the way home from Sunday School, wearing one of Daddy's hats, backward.

Israeli dance number 1 (hope it doesn't make you dizzy - I tried to follow him)

Israeli dance number 2 (this should be easier on the eyes - he was in front and it's a line dance)